Self-Improvement Books /books for personal growth

In our busy lives, we must find out some time for ourselves. We should have time to think introspection about where we are in life and where we would like to be. We should ponder upon our shortcomings and how we can improve upon them. Self-improvement is a foundation because the more that you grow and improve yourself it benefits every other aspect of your life.

There are a lot of books for personal growth and self-improvements. The human desire for personal growth is as old as time. Different Greece philosophers stated many ways to improve oneself like through self-reflection, directed focus, and concerted action. Our ability to think critically about the past make direct changes in the present and work towards an imagined better future sets us apart from all other life forms on earth. Being human so many of us struggle to make meaningful changes in our lives. it's all too easy to identify our own shortcomings but why is it so challenging to make the changes that will help us reach our true potential.
In this article, I’ll do my best to share some of the books that helped for self-improvement. These books helped to define purpose and Path in life, more importantly, keep a person motivated to work towards a better vision.

Best short length self-help books/ books for self-improvement or for personal growth:

Some of these books you maybe already have heard of others maybe you've never heard of before.  
1)- Four agreements by don Miguel Ruiz. It is a fantastic and short book. It teaches four main powerful agreements and principles that we should all live by. The first one, be fixed with your word in your life and how you show up. your word means something that when you say you're actually going to do something, must do it. Don't take things personally is another one. Don't make assumptions you know oftentimes we assume things based on very limited information and that's an important agreement just to stick it I think everybody should read the four agreements that are a staple classic. it's a short read no excuse not to read it. it's a really valuable book.

2)- As a man thinketh by James Allen is also another classic short read. You can read in an hour or two and it's a pretty straightforward message. Oftentimes you know there's the core message of the book by reading the book and how it's communicated and articulated to you and especially the stories behind it is really what helps a message or an idea get ingrained in your psyche in your subconscious mind so that you really apply it and you live it. It's not enough just to hear a summary of an idea that's why i encourage people to actually read a book. It's about as you think you become your thoughts produce your reality. Whether you think you can or you think you can't you're right. There's a lot of power to our thoughts and thinking that if you want to change your life you got to change your thoughts. you know most of our life and the reality and what we manifest is based on our mindset and the thoughts that we have. so that one simple idea and principle of what's taught in this book can change your life in so many ways. If you really become aware of your thoughts a lot more and you're able to shift your thinking in a more positive and more empowering way so recommend that book.

 It is a fantastic book indeed. This book has changed the lives of many peoples. You know Stephen covey passed away a number of years ago but he has left some really incredible content and contributions to the world of self-development and self-improvement. The most important habit from all those is called being proactive. Most of us we're so reactive. we're reactive to events and things that happen in our lives that we're just always in a reactionary mode. Another habit that he has, is seeking for seeking. First to understand then to be understood and that's a powerful one because most often people don't understand each other. we don't take the time to understand people first and foremost where they're coming
from why they came to that conclusion. Understand their model of the world and their blueprint for life before you judge and criticize. We live in a world where people just jump to conclusions.

There are some other Books on self-improvement are listed below.


Em Sara, On a journey of raising myself to a new world of technology and managing home chores, all the while creating some inspiration and being judged! .... Founder of my own online store SB shoppers' Inn.Decorkhana

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